Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

When i straighten my hair,

the bottoms always curl in or out.

I don't know why it is doing this.

I want it completely straight.

Any ideas why this is happening or how I can prevent it?

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

Hey, I used to do this all the time. Anyhow, I actually prefer it to curl at the end sometimes, it's cute. BUT...In order for me to actually get it to straighten to completely, I blow dry my hair first, and then I put some frizz ease or just shine serum stuff in it. Then, I use my straightener (I have a ceramic one that costs me over $100 bucks, but well worth it). Go through your hair in sections working your way up to the top of your head. Like others have said, you might be finishing it off at an angle and it's causing it to curl. Use a brush when you straighten your hair and follow it with the hair straightener. Go through this motion slowly so enough heat is applied to straighten it. Repeat these steps with that section of hair until you have it to the desired look. Another issue that can cause your hair to curl is if it's only long as your shoulders when it rests on your shoulders your hair curls and you can't really do anything about it. You need your hair a little bit longer so it can just fall naturally.


Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

its humidity...depending on where you live. try getting a straight iron - they work great.

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

You have curly hair? lol...

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

I think if you heat it too much it starts to curl....Try using a little less heat, or apply it for shorter periods of time.

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

This is because you did as your mummy said when you were little and ate all your crusts up on your sandwiches every one knows this gives you curly hair..its too late now I'm afraid...!!!

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

I dunno y this happens but it happens to me too

wht helps is goin extra slow wen yhoo get to the bottom

tht shud help =D


Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

because it is pretty :)

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

best way to keep it straight is spend a little money and go to a salon and get it chemically straightened or just get it straightened there

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

there is a product by "Bed Head" called extra flat... or something like it.., it comes in a "condiment looking bottle" and is a light blue green w- sparkles in color. use it.. but just use a little and then either blow dry or flat iron and you should be fine..

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

this has happened to me a million times;; this either means:

1. your hair is really curly and it cant stay straight

2. your straightner is bad.

go to ur hair salon and ask them to get ur hair straightened and then tell them ur problem and they will recommend a good straightner..

warning : may be expensive

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Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

1.Blow dry it before you straighten it

2.When you are straightening, go DOWN dont go at an angle or curl it around by accident make sure you ARENT doing this

3.Put a serum of your choice and put it in as the directions say...


Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

well you might be holding your straightener wrong if it is at an angle it will do that.... or you might just need a trim

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

could be due to the straightener but i doubt it! maybe its the way you angle it when you reach the tips of your hair, i always do that and when i get to the end of the hair i always turn the straightener in or outwards. If thats not it im afraid i have no idea!!!

Hope i helped!

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

When you straighten sometimes without realizing it you bend the hair at the bottom and it makes it have this little flippy action, so as you go down the strand make sure that you go straight and not outwards,or sideways.

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

Well, you don't say how long your hair is and that could affect the way it lays. For example, if you hair is shoulder length it can actually sit on your shoulders and that can make it kick out. Couple of things to try: if your hair is shoulder length, either get it trimmed so it's a little off your shoulder or suffer through it and let grow a little more in length. Another thing is you can curly it under JUST A LITTLE BIT with the flat iron, only at the tips. That way it will kinda equal out! Good luck in whatever you do!!

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

If your hair is about shoulder length it could be hitting your shoulders... That happens to me

Also, WHen you take the straighter off the ends you may be pulling up... Causing it to curl

Why does the bottom of my hair curl up when i straighten it?

sorry, most likely it isn't going to happen... if your hair is naturally curly, the ends WILL curl a bit and THIS is why, and it's NOT humidity...

most of your hair stays straight for a bit when you treat it because it's actually weakening your hair for a bit and when your hair hangs, from the scalp down there is a lot of weight on your hair, that pulls it straight when it's "weakened" for a bit by heat or chemicals.

The hair will maintain that shape for a while but once the heat or chemicals wear off, it will go back to normal. But at the ends, there is no real weight holding them down, so they go back to their natural state of curliness.

Same reason why if you unroll string thats been in a ball for a while and let it hang by holding it at the top, the end at the bottom will curl a bit.

Oh, also, the main reason why you can't PERMANENTLY flatten your hair is because curliness is completely dependent upon the shape of your hair.

If you were to look at a piece of your hair from the front under a microscope, straight hair is round, flat hair is curly. The more round, the straighter, the flatter, the curlier. ie: a straw is harder to bend in tube shape than if the same substance were just flat.

Since you can't change your hair shape bec. that's genetic, well, get used to some curl despite all the chemicals or flat-irons you buy.

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